Customer Testimonials

All the handmade bows we have purchased are excellent quality and look so beautiful. We have received so many compliments on the bows whilst out and about. Thanks Jess! - Manda Justice

Received my custom collection of hair clips during the week! Beautifully made and tied bows and amazing quality covered clips for my LO. Service was impeccable and speedy. I highly recommend ClipPaDeeClip. Will be a repeat purchaser for sure. Can't wait for my LO to open her little package on Christmas day! - Lori Collins

There are so many beautiful bows to choose from which is why buying a bow membership was a no-brainer for me! Every month I’m guaranteed more stunning creations to add to our growing collection without having to choose which one is next! Jess is so helpful and easy to deal with - often surpassing my expectations when I have a special request. Your bows are so beautiful the ‘tomboy’ Mum who swore she would never have a ‘girly girl’ now can’t leave the house without an bow to complete every single one of Remy’s outfits! Thank you Jess - sign us up for next year! - Karly Scale